Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Prezi" your presentation!

So I am trying to complete the PowerPoint presentation project (say that 10 times fast!) and all I have to say is BLAHHHH!  I wondered how I could make it better, flashier, and well, not boring.  I failed miserably. :( 
I posted on Facebook asking for help and tips from anyone who has used PowerPoint.  A whole bunch of my friends told me about the website called "Prezi".
I will say it is a fantastic site, however, me having dial-up internet connection I was unable to access the amazing site to dress up my presentation.
So unfortunately, my presentation is still pretty boring,but once Verizon gets DSL to my house, I shall never have a boring presentation ever again!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two More for the Roll!

I searched for blogs. Lots of them. I searched for ones that interested me and ones specifically connected to my major.  As I looked through them, I found many that I had no interest in at all! Finally, I found two that I will actually gain insight from and will continue to follow. One of the blogs is about Special Education and the other is about Raising Goats.  Although you may find it strange that I would find interest in one or both of these blogs, to me they are key.
Along with having a child with Autism, my family and I raise Boer goats, which has been great therapy for my son.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Technology: Our new best FRENEMY?!?!

A long time ago, a little girl marveled at the new gadget that was sitting on top of her family's television set. It was beautiful and it had the glorious new electronic smell. The little girl, only 7 years old, wondered what could they make better than this VCR with a remote. Sure,the remote had a cord that was attached to the VCR and had to be stretched across the room, but she wouldn't have to walk across the living room to press play. She was excited. That little girl was me.
I lived in the age of television sets with knobs you had to turn to change the station, remote controllers that had cords, cassette tapes, and computers that looked like white boxes with black screens and had green letters. Technology has come along way in the time I have been on this planet, but how is it helping us and how is it hurting us?
After reading "Is Google Making Us Stupid" by Nicholas Carr, I started to wonder are these advances really good for us?
My emotions are mixed.
Think about it. Computers aren't just for typing reports. Phones aren't just for making phone calls. Although I am a fan of texting and sending emails, I can't remember the last time I have written a letter or made a phone call just to say hello. Technology has advanced the way children learn, but it has also has made them lazy.  My 11 year old daughter needed help looking something up in a textbook. When I told her to look it up in the index of the book, she looked at me puzzled and asked "In the what of the book?"  I then showed her and asked her how she ever found anything in books without reading the whole thing. She then told me that she looks everything up on the internet. Lovely, that is just lovely. Another one of my beliefs, that will never change, is that everything electronic has its flaws.
I am not knocking advancing technology as a whole. Medical care has taken on a whole new dynamic, cell phones give people a piece of security, and computers help educators to teach and students to learn. However, I believe some of the "old" way of doing things should not become a thing of the past.